Friday, December 31, 2010

And We'll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet...

The kiddies are ringing in the New Year at Papa and HeHe's. My guess, and hope for Papa and HeHe's sake, is they are sound asleep by this point and will miss the actual midnight moment. From the feel of my eyelids, I, too, will miss the ball dropping.

Our date night included some delicious Pad Kee Mao with some dear friends and we are now channel surfing the last 35 minutes of 2010 away. Channel surfing on basic cable. It's as exciting as it sounds.

Of course the big topic of the evening news is New Year's Resolutions. I am grateful I don't have quitting smoking on my list. Last year my resolutions were 1) develop the patience of the man with the Yellow hat, and 2) blog everyday. Let's see, my patience and tolerance was maxed to every extreme. And I have to say, I failed miserably at times. But then there were those moments when I actually did what George's friend does in moments of sheer frustration: take a deep breath, understand that the trouble is that of a monkey, and help the little critter try, try, try again.

And if I can get this little blip posted, I'll have made 296 posts. An entire year of Heath and Stella-isms, running adventures, parenting bloopers, cooking trials (and errors), housemaking, holiday-gathering, movie-watching, birthday partying, baby showering, pool-going, ice cream eating, and weather complaining. My only regret: I let fatigue, boredom, fear, etc. get in the way of posting those 69 missing posts.

I haven't worked out my 2011 resolutions just yet. I still have 15 minutes left of this year. Hmmm...what to do with that time...oops...14 minutes...9 minutes...8 minutes...

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