Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Week Before Christmas...

Apparently I need to get back to blogging more than once a week. I'm pretty sure a lot of things happened, but I can't recall them now. Good thing I took some pictures to remind me.

Heath was out of preschool for the week, Stella had her surgery, we finished decorating, shopping, wrapping, and managed to hit the trails not once, but twice in one week.

It was Take Your Son to Work week. Not really. But Heath did go to work with Mark Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. According to Mark, Heath worked non-stop on the yard, tossing anything and everything into dumpsters.

Mark also took Heath shopping Wednesday evening, and upon their return, Heath announced, We got you a new TV for Christmas. He also managed to tell me Christmas Eve that they got me more things from their morning trip to the mall while I was at the Whitewater Center. At least he was more discreet with this slip.

I suppose I'll get to the actual event of Christmas and the snowy day after Christmas. But ice cream and a movie are calling my name. Besides, I'm still trying to play catch up in my head from the last seven days.

We decked Whistlestop Road with this show of lights.

Christmas Cakes...

...made by two of the cutest elves Santa ever did see.

The only way I could get Heath in the jogging stroller this week was to convince him that he could run part of the way, while wearing my running gloves, hat, and Continental Divide 10K bib.

I attempted to clean out some of the old clothes that we have stuffed in closets, shoved under beds, and exploding at the attic seams. A bear costume for 18-24 months. He is insistent that it still fits.

Post-op, soup-face Stella. Surgery was good, Stella was the champ of the recovery room, infected nodes are gone, and we are well, well, well on our way to having this be a distant blip on the screen of life.

And we surely have enjoyed the heck out of this guy this season.

Tomorrow's edition: What it Looks like When Christmas Throws Up in Your Living Room, then Gets Wet from a Surprise Snowy Day After Christmas...

1 comment:

  1. You should use the photo of the night time
    outdoor Christmas lights as your Christmas
    card next year. It would be great!



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