Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blue Men in the Night

It's been a long time since I've spent as much time outside as we did today and not be totally and completely miserable. At one point, I swear I heard the crackling of my thawing body. (That was Sunday and 30 degrees ago.)

Well, that's as far as I got last night. My attention became divided when I found myself completely absorbed in Creating the Blue Man Group on PBS. The kids even joined me on the bed to watch a bit of it before night-night storytime. Stella really liked them, and kept their PVC-piping beat pretty well, referring to them as rock stars. I kept wishing we could pay WTVI $249 for a contribution and win two tickets (and Meet and Greet passes!) for their show here in April. But $249...I love PBS. But 249? Not today.

Heath was obviously intrigued with the Blue Man Group, although he reserved his verbal interest for this morning. The first thing out of his mouth when he woke up? The Blue Men came to visit in the middle of the night, a giant smile spread across his face. At four, I would've been terrified if three men dressed in black t-shirts, sweatpants, combat boots, and shiny, bright blue hands and faces came in my room to visit.

And that's as far as I got yesterday morning. I am off the blogging beam.

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