Monday, January 10, 2011

The Snowy Day

Glad I bypassed my need to complain about a fast weekend. The Weekend Gods have granted us two additional days. How very nice of them.

Heath and Stella were out in the snow before they were even out of their pajamas today. They were far too content to play to the point of red chilly noses and frozen hands, there was no way I was going to be the bearer of bad news and see if they would want to load up in the jogging stroller and head out for a snowy run. And I found myself perfectly content to sit at the kitchen table, in my pajamas, with a cup of hot coffee, watching them enjoy themselves.

Mark eventually joined them for snowball fun and a neighborhood walk. I told them I would get dressed and be out shortly. Shortly turned into getting out the griddle and trying my hand at some French Toast while Mark took Stella for a run. She was delighted to go, and Heath was happy to warm up his bones and eat syrup-smothered toast.

I think I said something about going outside to make a snowman, but that somehow turned into everyone taking snowy weather coma naps. At 5 o'clock, still in my pajamas, I decided the least I could do is go get the mail from our box at the end of the driveway. Dressed in pjs and trail running shoes, I was met halfway down the driveway by Mark, who had a handful of envelopes. He'd beaten me to the mailbox.

The air was so crisp. And it smelled so perfectly clean, I found myself tearful that I had not been able to get all the way to the mailbox. All I needed was some fresh air, I complained.

Then it occurred to me that I already had the appropriate shoes on; I was practically fully garbed for a run. So I went back in the house, got completely run-ready, and headed out for a much needed, perfect, snowy run. When I got back home, Mark and the kids were heading into the backyard for some nighttime sledding.

Heath wasn't satisfied with a simple downhill course. He asked Mark to set-up various push toys and pool noodles to crash into. If he missed the obstacle, he had to do it all over again. If he hit the obstacle, he shouted a sincere scream of delight, and still wanted to do it all over again.

Preschool is closed tomorrow. Another snowy day. Well, icy day. Either way, I've got a package of Buckwheat Pancakes with the Ropkos name all over it.

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