Monday, October 25, 2010

Run, Forrest, Run

Sometimes, when you're ready to head out for a run, the gray clouds that are busily sputtering tee tiny flecks of rain water slowly begin to part, and just as quickly a beaming sun reveals its bright, smiling face. And then, with a warm pep in your step, you confidently continue on your running journey toward a spectacularly colorful rainbow.

And then there's what happened today.

Along with a fellow baby jogging buddy, we loaded up our doubles with a couple of four year olds and two year olds, complete with a snack of strawberries and a back-up Brown Rice Crispie treat if things got hairy. All kiddies were rainbooted and rainjacketed. After all, it was sprinkling ever-so-lightly.

As we merrily launched our just over 6-miler adventure, the rain seemed to let up a bit.

And then it didn't.

As a matter of fact, those gray clouds seemed to quadruple in number, darken in color, and the the bottom of each cloud dropped, unleashing a steady downpour. Everytime I thought the rain would let up, it didn't. Instead, the rain progressed from downpour to full-on flood.

I kept waiting for peanut gallery complaints, but no one said a word. Or the rain was falling too hard to hear them. But it was too late to turn back--so we just kept stomping along through the puddles. At one point I stopped to treat Heath and Stella to the Brown Rice goodies. Their ear to ear grinning faces and hair were completely soaked. Soaked, but thrilled.

The rain finally softened. Just as we were turning into my friend's driveway. And then the sky cracked a bold boom of thunder. Perfect timing. 6 happy wet rats (and a sopping Puppy and Beanky) headed into the warm house, pleased with our rainy day adventure.

Fortunately I remembered extra clothes for everyone, so we peeled off our cold, wet clothes and got into some warm, dry duds. And Puppy and Beanky were treated to a spin in the dryer. And we were all treated to lunch. Something about a PB&J made by a friend. It always tastes better.

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