Monday, November 22, 2010

Redrum, Redrum

Heath's doppelganger is a boy born in 1973 who happened to play one of the creepiest kids in scary flicks history.

Friday evening, while we were on the hunt for Redbox movies and ice cream, a very sweet teenaged clerk at the HT told us that our son looks just like that kid from The Shining. This isn't the first time we've been told this. Or the second, or third. But it is the first time someone has told us this and offered up a very interesting Halloween costume suggestion. And not just for Heath, but the whole family. She even thought Stella could pass for one of the twin girls standing in the hallway. It's a great idea. Too bad it's mid-November.

Heath is incredibly sensitive to smells, light, sounds, textures of clothes and food, motion, other people's moods...but psychic abilities? Might as well.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I can totally picture the resemblance. Maybe next year he can still pass as redrum boy.



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