Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If I Had a Title, It Would Go Here.

Oh, Charleston, I do love you so. Our trip was short, but very sweet. I just wish I had more energy and enthusiasm to recap the highlights of our visit. It seems I managed to get some emotional rejuvenation while I was away, but physical and mental, not so much.

Of course, before I go cracking the "you suck"stick on my back, I will say that we didn't get home until 6pm, and I essentially unloaded the kids and our stuff only to get back in the car to head off to a meeting for school. The car that pretty much smells like beachy feet. At least the kids weren't in it anymore. The sound of silence wasn't so bad after the three hour drive back this afternoon. The first hour was okay. They both dreamily stared out the window and ate Veggie Sticks. The second hour included a horrific stop at a Hess Station where Stella enjoyed playing with a toilet plunger and Heath refused to leave the front of the Coca-Cola display. Then I somehow managed to miss the 77 North exit and drove 20 minutes out of my way. The third, and final, hour included Stella falling asleep, repeatedly, only to be awakened, repeatedly, by Heath asking for a turn with her blanket, or squirting water on her with my water bottle, or just the old go-to jab/poke on the face with a finger. Stella was not amused.

But we're back. Refreshed. And hopefully I can muster up the energy the rest of the week to yammer on about baby jogging on cobblestone streets and trolley rides and Children's Museums of the Lowcountry and Spider-Man buds and rainy mornings on the beach...

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