Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our Time in Charleston Soundtrack (Complete w/Pix)

Okay. There isn't any music, but I can't stand the thought of another day going by without highlighting a few of the many wonderful reasons our trip to Charleston was (albeit whirlwindish) so incredibly exciting. Pictures are courtesy of my Vivitar. The same Vivitar I half-hoped would "accidentally" get chucked in the Cooper River and we would HAVE to get a new one. It pains me to say I spent an unspeakable amount of time in Chaz trying to take a picture that wasn't blurry. Fortunately, a few shots did pass the bill.

So, here's to Charleston and why it is a great, great place to visit.

Because you can take an evening stroll on the cobblestone streets in a groovy red wagon.

Because you can pick your own teeth with a Pirate sWord.

Because you can borrow a Happy Meal Spider-Man and bang it on a cannonball.

Because this loveliness is in your front yard.

Because your front yard also has a cannon to climb on.

Because the Hobbit Hole is your front door.

Because you can take a trolley to the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry.

Because the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry has an impressive fine arts area.

Because the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry lets you paint on a giant train. Or your person. Either one. It's your choice.

Because that same museum has a water table to rivel all other water tables. Bridges galore. Floods happen. And you get to wear cool smocks.

Because you can dress up like a pirate, then do a little grocery shopping.

Because they let anyone drive a Pirate Ship. ANYONE.

Because Auntie Wendy gets a-hold of you and does things like this to your hair.

Because your one true love lives there.

Because, let's face it, when these two get together, it's straight-up crazy times.

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