Saturday, August 7, 2010

Six Years, 10 hours, and 48 minutes...

...give or take. That's roughly how long Mark and I have been married. And I have to say, it's been a lovely day of celebration.

Our anniversary began this morning at 8:10am when I woke up in a panic. I was dreaming that we were late for a birthday party. We weren't late, but there was an actual birthday at 9am. At the Matthews Farmer's Market. All four of us were scheduled to go and no one was up. Mark and I sucked down some coffee, got ourselves and Stella dressed, and let Heath take care of himself. This pretty much meant that he wore his pajamas, adding a warm, cozy pair of black socks to his yellow pants, salmon-colored t-shirt, and lime green sandals ensemble.

We made it to Matthews by 9:05 to join the preschooler and toddler sister/brother birthday party combo. It was a fantastic idea. The kids were given a bag and a $2 bill to pick out their own produce. Heath had two items on his wishlist. Eggplant and papaya. The eggplant was easy enough to accommodate. Never did find that papaya. No worries, though. We found blueberry muffins the size of our heads. Seeing as no one had breakfast before we left, I was more than happy to polish off what was left of the ginormous breakfast treat.

We also purchased some local peaches, honey, and fingerling potatoes. Enjoyed some morning snacks by the Matthews red caboose, and even got treated to a whizzing train heading down the tracks as we departed the festivities. The conductor gave Heath and Stella hearty waves and even heartier (and scarier) whistle-horn blowing.

Last week my parents came up with an amazing idea. How about we have the kids spend the night at our house, while you and Mark have an evening and morning to yourselves for your anniversary? my mom happily suggested. She's been itching to have the kiddies for a sleepover for quite some time, so you know I had to say yes.

Whatever have we done with our time? Let's see...after dropping the kids and all their gear off at Papa and HeHe's house, we headed over to see Cyrus, a delightfully subtle comedy with John C. Reilly, then dined on sushi and Vietnamese fare, then wandered into Jesse Brown's Outdoor Adventures to see if I could find a hand-held water bottle carrier thingy (no luck), then ate ice cream at Kilwin's, then went to Target for a few items (this was by far the most romantic part of our evening, I assure you. I think we even held hands.), ventured into the HT for eggplant lasagna makings for dinner tomorrow, poked through a Redbox or two looking for The Crazies (no luck with that, either), and came home to a very, very quiet house.

I miss my Heath and Stella like crazy. I can smell them right now. And I keep thinking about Stella's kishes, she gives them away so freely. And Heathbear, the minimalist with his physical affection, but still getting my goodnight hugs and kisses anyway. Ahhh...

Never fear. They'll be back tomorrow, in all their wacky glory. In the meantime, we still have time to celebrate 6 years, 11 hours, and 10 minutes of marriage. And being totally child-free til 11am.

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