Sunday, September 12, 2010

Daily Planet

Just when I was ready to let a day go by without chronicling something about the kids or running or family or writing or something, I remembered the sheets.

Mark's sister and nephew are in town for the weekend, visiting from just outside D.C. Our nephew, interestingly enough, is a 32 year old fella with a nearly four year old girl of his own. Heath is absolutely thrilled to have his big cousin staying with us for a few days. Especially when he realized that Auntie and Cousin came to town with a downright cool surprise.

Superman sheets and pillowcase. DC Comics 1978 sheets. They are fabulously soft, yet so well-made that not only have they stood the test of time and machine washings, they are now on their third super hero obsessed little boy. Mark was actually little boy number one.

So not only is Heath thrilled with Superman sheets that have the Man of Steel flying free through the air over downtown Metropolis (apparently modeled after Toronto's skyline), but they used to be on Daddy's bed when he was a little boy. He actually spent the better part of the early morning hanging out on his bed, chatting with his sheets. It took minor cajoling to get Heath off his Clark Kent alter-ego bedding and into the baby jogger. When he discovered cousin would be joining us for the run, he zoomed! off his bed like a bird, a plane, a Super Boy!

Lovely run, too. Cousin did not have his running shoes, but he bucked up and ran the 4 miles in Mark's too small trainers. He was also wearing his Cool "Disco" Dan shirt and Mark's running shorts. And Mark was properly geared up in H&S's preschool t-shirt. Quite a running duo.

And quite a weekend. Where on earth did it go?


  1. I meant to tell you this before I left:
    The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
    If you haven't read it, I highly recommend this Michael Chabon epic especially in light of your upcoming superhero course. It's one of my all-time favorites and is set in the nascent days of comic book writing. Thanks for a great visit!

  2. Big Cousin A--Thanks for the tip! I'll try to get a copy this weekend.



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