Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Friday

Oh, how I have needed a glorious day like this one we had today. The walls have been closing in lately and I finally felt them lift a bit. And it wasn't just about the weather, although sunshine, 60s, and lots of fresh air will do anyone some good.

Heath woke up immediately looking forward to our big school field trip to the Metrolina Recycling Center. He said he needed to put on his work clothes and boots, and get to work. As of late he wants to cook eggs for breakfast, and I even managed to get him to take a few bites. Recycling workers need to eat their breakfast for lots of energy.

I got a lot to talk to the workers about, he said.

When I was getting directions to the center last night, Mark suggested we take the long way there and drive through town. Heath's reaction to a shot of the dowtown skyline is exuberant each and every time. A crane! Look at that big, big building! I'm going to work on top of that building one day! And going the longer route meant crossing train tracks not once, not twice, but four times. Even Stella has to point her little finger at the rail road crossing signs.

It was truckpalooza outside the center. I had to convince Heath that there was more excitement inside; he was pretty content with watching the fork lift show out front. There was a puppet show, some recycling cartoon movie tidbits, and Miss Paula, our tour guide.

We got to stand in front of a giant window and watch dump trucks back into the warehouse and unload the contents of our little red bins. It was an extraordinary mound of milk jugs and plastic bags and cans and plastic what-not on top of plastic what-not. I discovered that a lot of what I am casually tossing into my bin on a daily basis, thinking that it's the right and good thing to do, is not being recycled. Yogurt tubs, juice boxes, rice milk containers. Turns out I need to reevaluate my practices.

After the tour, we were invited to a classmate's house to play. Stella had a great time playing with two little girls around her age. And Heath had a fabulous time playing with his two friends that share his love for trains, trucks, dirt, and working hard. And I got to eat a very yummy treat of almond butter on spelt bread sandwiches.

When we got home, happily tuckered out, they both easily settled in for naps. I even managed a bit of one myself. I was grateful to have had the rest, because I had a special date at 4pm. A new tutee. A sweet, incredibly bright 9th grader in need of a writing tutor. It felt good to talk about thesis statements, supporting your ideas, citations, and being passionate about writing.

I'm scheduled to do a 10 mile training run tomorrow morning. Half-marathon in two weeks. Mom's night out tomorrow evening with a friend. And sunny and 60. Ahhh...

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