Saturday, February 20, 2010

To Do Tomorrow: Find Fruit-Flavored GU

10 mile training run logged. And it felt so, so good. What wasn't so, so good was the Vanilla Bean GU I had at mile 6. I think I'm going to have to invest in some fruitier flavors. While I can certainly see (and feel) the benefit of the GU, it still smacks of eating candy mid-run and I just can't get totally on board with that.

While I was out running in the sunshine, Mark took Heath and Stella to meet a friend for coffee. Turns out the Chick-Fil-A was next door to Starbucks. I guess the playground beckoned them, so they spent the better part of the morning playing at the fast food joint I've spent so long scoffing. Heath made some new friends. Mark got to chat it up with an old friend. And Stella got to run around and beg strangers for a bite of their nuggets and fries.

When they returned home, they were ready for lunch (Heath, of course, ate nothing while he was out. Too busy. And Stella, well, there's always room for more, according to Stella) and naps.

We even managed to go out post-nap and attack the dreaded task of getting them both new shoes. I've tried to do it a couple of times solo, but apparently it's a two person job. They both came away with some very cool kicks. I'm really hoping Heath maintains his like for these shoes and doesn't immediately want to put on his fire fighter boots in the morning.

I returned home just in time to pick up my Mom's Night Out date. My friend and I made it out for a delicious dinner and a movie. We saw Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges. He plays washed-up country singer drunkard very well.

And all the laundry is done. Now that is what I call a Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. I heard Crazy was an incredible movie! Is this true Andrea?

    1being low
    5being high

    what number would u give the movie?

    Little Vegan Bill



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