Friday, February 12, 2010

S is for Snow

It's been a big week on the verbal front for Stella. Her new words include: up, apple, shoe, Elmo, Papa, book, and last but not least, snow.

When the kids woke up from their nap, we stepped outside to get the mail. Suddenly, a lovely, fluffy snowflake appeared. Then another. Then five more. Then ten. And then they were coming too quickly to keep count.

It's snowing, it's snowing, Heath sang, jumping up and down.

Of course, Stella followed suit. Well, her version of jumping up and down is more of a drunken, back and forth swagger, but you can tell what move she's going for. She pointed at the floating flakes and said, 'no.

That's right, Gigs, it's snowing. Heath grabbed a handful of the quickly accumulating snow and made the tiniest snowball known to man.

'no, she screeched with delight. 'no, 'no, 'no!

She pointed and said 'no with wide-eyed enthusiasm throughout the evening. By the time she was in the bathtub, she'd even managed to add the s to her 'no.

This is my kind of snow. Big flakes, measurable, and ice-less. I look forward to some early morning snowman making and hot apple cider.

1 comment:

  1. Why wait til morning?! Sam and Bill have only just come in from building snowmen outside now. They've been charging around the back garden with my running headlamps on!



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