Monday, February 8, 2010

Keep Your Britches On, Lady

Heath's fever was gone by the morning, but no school today. He was able to be perked up enough to drive Stella (and me) just a bit crazy, but not well enough to get out and about. Our day was a bit cooped up. I was very happy to have a couple of places to be this evening.

One place included Park Road Montessori. They had a guest speaker discussing The Nurtured Heart approach to parenting and educating the "intense" child. When my friend invited me to come with her, I jumped at the chance.

At first I thought it was going to be a wonderful opportunity for me to feel like everything I do with my children is wrong and I am a lousy parent. I was grateful to move past that initial reaction and started to hear some practical, useful suggestions. Generally speaking, it opened my eyes a little more to the idea that focusing on the positive in any relationship is where I should try to place my energy. I took a lot of notes and look forward to going through them when I'm a little less bleary-eyed.

Stella woke up from her nap today around 3:30. I listened to her play around in her crib for another half hour. When I went in to get her out of bed, I found that she had thrown her blankets and stuffed animals over the rails and onto the floor. She'd also managed to remove her socks, shirt and pants, and tossed them out. She was standing in the middle of her crib, wearing next to nothing, looking very pleased with what she'd accomplished.

Looks like you forgot your diaper, I said, picking up Reba, her Rhinoceros.

She looked down toward her baby belly, grapped one side of the diaper, and started to rip it off. She stopped short and plopped down on her bottom. No, no, no, no, no, no, she giggled.

Rain, or no rain, I look forward to a little running tomorrow. And I do believe a Six Feet Under disc should be arriving in the mail, too.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really interesting. Can't wait to hear more about it.



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Writing Tutor and Creative Writing Workshops: All ages