Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Baby is Coming, A Baby is Coming

Our niece is in labor as I type this, and Mark has headed off to the hospital to cheer her on. Very exciting. He wanted to know what he should take with him, besides the camera. We were trying to remember what was a good thing to have while one is in labor. An epidural was the only thing that came to mind, and from what I understand, she's got that covered.

While Heath was on the phone with Goma this evening, he announced something that was definitely news to me. "I'm Superman, but I am also a Tree Tramper. That's my job."

I thought he was Batman. It's hard to keep up.

Our morning was a busy one at Reedy Creek Nature Explorer Zone with some preschool playmates. Despite the climbing and log pulling and bamboo building and trail wandering, then additional time in the hot sun of the Whistlestop Explorer Zone preparing a pipeline that, according to Heath, was cracked and leaking, he did not feel a nap was necessary. As a matter of fact, a storm blew rain and thunder through the area during rest time, and as cozy and sleepy as that makes me, especially after spending hours of the morning outside, Heath chose to spend his time listening to, and muttering about, the weather outside the window. The drops are banging. That was a loud one. Think that was lightening. Think that hit a tree. The power might go out. Puppy is scared.

Apparently I thought a nap was necessary, and his mumblings didn't seem to keep me from drifting off, because next thing I knew, I woke up to an odd sensation on my head, and in my hair, and Heath was now rambling about cranes and silos and cows and dragons and dinosaurs. Strands of my hair were were being used as an entire fun zone of entertainment, as Heath dramatized attacks of dragons and water towers falling over bridges and Superman saving the day. He did this for about twenty minutes, and I didn't stop him, because it didn't hurt, and I figured he was probably getting some good fine-motor skills work in there and imaginative play.

These no nap days are growing in frequency. Yikes.

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