Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Project What the (insert expletive here) are we going to do with this yard? has taken an exciting turn. After an incredible visit this weekend to one of the most amazing parks I've ever experienced, and the help of my friend who always gets the ole wheels-a-turning, I have decided to turn our backyard into the Whistlestop Nature Explorer Zone, complete with a hiking trail, Bamboo Fort, Messy Material areas, and the use of our many tree stumps.

The general hacking of the weeds and ivy (or I.V., as Heath says) and bushes that have grown up, over, out, and back around again has gone quite well, but I was beginning to hit a wall and feel somewhat overwhelmed and intimidated with exactly what direction to take. Fortunately, my friend put the pen to paper and began a sketch of our yard. A concrete plan, complete with a visual aid, is certainly necessary when it comes to my go-to Oh my word! I can't do it! reaction.

Today was a continuation of the clearing out project. After nearly two years of thinking I should really clean out the sandbox that was shamefully riddled with more leaves and twigs and broken crayons than actual sand, I raked and scooped and removed and pulled on vine-like roots that stretched for multiple feet at a time. The finished product made me smile. Stella spent an extraordinary amount of time in it this evening, happily scooping the now debris-free sand.

I also cleared out a tiny section of what will become a part of our Hiking Trail area. I decided to take it one square of the yard at a time. This square is now clear of all I.V. Much of the clearing required some yard work gloves, so of course, my Job Site Project Manager, Heathcliff, as he has most recently begun referring to himself, had to put on some gloves, too. His gloves are actually fleece red and black mittens, but they certainly do the trick when handling the prickliest of the prickly limbs.

Heathcliff brought along an incredible crew of hard workers. Joe, JebbyGee, Stubby (who apparently is a jack-of-all-trades), and Stella, a.k.a., Lady Worker. Out of all the workers I would have to say Lady Worker is a bit of a loafer. She sits a lot. Meanders about. Puts things in her mouth. Throws a leaf into the garbage can to make it seem like she's actually participating, then disappears up the steps of the play structure to slide down the slide on her belly, repeatedly. Heathcliff, on the other hand, sweats, takes his shirt off, lifts tree limbs with a surprising amount of little boy strength, all while shouting instructions to his crew at the top of his lungs. All in all, he really gets the job done.

One square at a time. Let's see, my outside, nature's playground should be finished by the time Heath and Stella have kids. Hopefully the grandkids will love it.

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