Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Entry of Year 37

And so far, I have to say being old feels surprisingly good. But everything feels good when you're at the beach and you just read many, many sweet Happy Birthday messages on the ole FB.

Another unbelievably sunny day at HB. Five-miler today. We were inspired to run the entire 11 miles of the island, but didn't know the island was 11 miles long during the moment of inspiration, and Heath wasn't too thrilled to be stuck in the jogger for too terribly long, so there was a lot of grabbing of Stella belongings and pinchings of Stella body parts. Five was plenty, though.

We headed back out to the ocean for some more sand digging. Heath created an entire "job site" and "landfill" and "poophole" extravaganza. He didn't actually do anything with the poophole. Just dug it out in case his co-workers needed it. Heath did, however, see fit to take care of his pee-pee business on the dunes until I pointed out the $500 fine sign.

Stella has completely made her peace with the ocean and the sand. It's taken some time to get used to, but once she realized it was something she could grab and throw onto feet, she has decided it is squeal-with-delight worthy. She has also added a few new words to her ever-growing vocab. Ocean, water, and boat. For now, the seagulls are affectionately known as quack-quack. As a matter of fact, any bird-like animal is a quack-quack.

After a delightful two hour nap, we headed out to the local Wings to do some birthday/souvenir shopping. I came away with a tangerine HB hoodie. Stella latched onto a tie-dyed monkey and dolphin purse. And Heath finally got his wish for a Jolly Roger house flag. We will become the official pirates of Whistlestop Road.

Heath helped me blow out my #37 birthday candles on some yummy carrot cake after a delicious steak dinner. Hmmm...do you get to have two pieces of birthday cake AND some ice cream on your 37th birthday? I'm pretty sure you do.

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