Monday, April 5, 2010

My Last Entry of Year 36...

Our morning began with another 4-miler toward the opposite end of the beach. We encountered the TriBeach Fire Department, fellow joggers, Haley's Ice Cream parlour, and the Holden Beach pier, where a sweet lady working behind the cafe counter commented on how pretty our little girls are. I can see how she might make such a mistake with Heath decked out in Spider-Man swim trucks and blue. Reckon it will be time for a trim when we're back in Charlotte.

But that isn't for days and days and days. The rest of our Monday was spent on the beach, napping, visiting the Oak Island lighthouse, and eating Thai food in Southport. Who would've thunk that some of the best Pad Kee Mao would be found in the Thai Peppers of Southport, NC. Although the food was incredibly good, it took forever to come out--guess that's why it was so tasty--so Stella had ample opportunity to practice being incredibly loud, sassy, and messy. Bits of vegetable rolls went flying about the table, water was spilled, a straw battle took place between the two kiddies ('til the crying commenced. Laughing leads to cryin'. So true.), and when I let her play with a Matchbox trash truck, gentle rolling was not an option. She had to pound it on the table and belt out the screechiest back-up beep-beep-beep I've ever heard. It's not like the place was crowded, but the few folks that were in there seemed to have a look on their face that facetiously said, Good thing we came to Thai Peppers for a quiet dinner.

We wandered around Southport and found Spike's Dairy Bar where we all had soft serve cones. I got Cotton Candy, thinking I would share it with Stella. There wasn't much "sharing" going on (and no, I wasn't the greedy one). Heath was excited to have a cherry cone and watch the Brunswick County EMT staff eat hot dogs and cones.

Two very sleepy babies, two grandparents, and a great-grandma are now passed out in their beds for the night. (From the sound of things beside me, a tuckered out Daddy is already a goner, too.)

And I am thinking I didn't get my fair share of ice cream, so I will get some more. Vacations are the best.

(Go Duke.)

1 comment:

  1. Sam needs a trim too. Nanna and Grandad, mainly Nanna, haven't said anything yet but I think it's only a matter of days before I start getting the comments when he goes on webcam with them.

    Have a great day tomorrow. Many happy returns.

    (obviously this is Kay, having to use hubby's Google account, wouldn't let me sign in with LiveJournal :( )



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Writing Tutor and Creative Writing Workshops: All ages