Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Frost Tonight? Frost...Tonight...? My Poor 'mater Plants

Finally, another well-oiled machine kind of day. It's been a while, and I'm trying to just appreciate it, instead of getting all jaw-clenchy with worry about what kind of fresh craziness is around the corner.

We got an incredible treat this morning when a giant Enterprise truck pulled up in front of our house. I had no idea what its plan was or who it belonged to. For five minutes Heath and Stella stood at the front window, pointing and shouting, What's that truck doing? and Wa' dat? Then one more giant truck pulled up two houses down. Watching from inside became insufficient, so we moved our gawking selves to the front porch, pajamas and all, waiting to discover what all the truck-fuss was about.

The fuss was about the long-awaited arrival of the big green recycling roll-out bins. Heath and Stella jumped up and down, clapped their hands, and screamed, Hooray!, while the three of us rolled the bin down the driveway. I explained to the kiddies that we would not be using the big bin until July, but we could keep using the little red bins until that point. Heath was a little disappointed about the wait, but the Enterprise truck started to back up, Beep! Beep! Beep!, and he forgot all about the long July wait.

And two additional treats occured: Mark was home at 4:30, so we got to go out for a little run together, and Six Feet Under Season 5: Disc One arrived.

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