Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Almost Pants

Well, I can't say that I got to the actual sewing part of any of my projects tonight, but I did manage to get Heath's Seattle britches cut and ready to sew. I will say that I am a bit nervous since I don't have my mom guiding me through step-by-step on this pair. I suppose I could call her, but why would I want to do that when I could make some ill-fitting, loosely threaded pants for my poor boy.

The pattern was already cut and ready to go from the Spider-Man pants. I started to use my scissors to cut the fabric. I've always thought scissors are scissors. Turns out I was wrong. Our scissors, that have been used to cut everything from guacamole packages to wrapping paper to hair, are horrible. Based on the stickiness of them, I would say they've been used to cut tape or play dough or glue or ice cream packaging or all of the above. While I tried to force the issue of getting the stinkin' pants cut with these stinkin' scissors, I remembered my dad telling me that Granny had some electric scissors in her box of tricks that came with the sewing machine.

I've never used electric scissors, but I am aware of my clumsy, awkward, near-accident prone ways, so I figured these could very turn into a bloody loss of a digit, many band-aids, possibly some stitches event. My dad even went so far the other night to tell me, They look like they aren't moving, but they are, so don't stick your finger in there while they're plugged in.

He was right. The blades do move so fast they seem to be standing still. He was also right in telling me to not stick my finger between the blades. I almost did it anyway, despite the warning. Just to see what would happen. I've already been told what would happen. It would cut my finger to shreds. (When I tell Heath not to do something that isn't safe, and he does it anyway, then wonder why he doesn't listen...I really needn't look any further.)

The electric scissors cut the Sleepy in Seattle (that's what the fabric says) pants in zippy time. Too bad my evening had already been eaten alive by putting children to bed and dishwasher emptying and garbage taking out and towels folding and dirty laundry gathering and phone call returning, etc. My new goal: to have these pants finished by the end of the week.

We had an excellent day of baby jogger running with our baby jogger running playmates, pool time, then some passed out napping. Our evening was spent at music class and eating dinner at Lupie's. Very, very good middle of the week.

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