Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Sick-Ups: The Stomach Reaper Lives

Well, the Vomit Train's last stop wasn't Stella. I thought we were in the clear, and it was already becoming a distant memory, but no. At 2pm, just after I read Shaggy Dog's Halloween Party for the third, and last, time, Heath sat up in bed and said, Buh-luuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Poor guy. He was mostly upset that we were missing the last music class of the summer session. I had a half-hearted thought that it was something he ate, or choked on, and we would still be able to pull through and make it to sing, dance, and do our Lupie's Wednesday night thing. But I knew I was kidding myself, and it was pretty much a Greek vomitorium (minus the fun) at Whistlestop until about 7pm.

In the middle of the excitement, we got a ring at the doorbell. It was our dear Postman, delivering a much anticipated care package from my SC friend. Inside we found an adorable, sweet, handmade bunny, sewn by my dear pal herself. We've been looking very forward to adding this little creature to the Ropko family. The kids were in charge of naming the little girl rabbit. Stella came up with Wabbie, because that's how she says Rabbit. And Heath added the charming, and oh so feminine, Chuckie. Chuckie Wabbie.

Chuckie Wabbie has already witnessed sickness with eye-popping dramatics. She has been fed chicken noodle soup by an overzealous little girl. Kissed and hugged all evening long, and is now curled up in bed with a snoozing Stella. I took pictures of Chuckie Wabbie. With our Vivitar camera. Everything I said that is complimentary of the memory-keeper I would like to take back. If we can't figure out how to make it take decent shots inside, it will be taken back, too.

I'll have to upload the blurry pictures later. In the meantime, the care package also included a skirt pattern. Let's see what kind of mishap I can get into with that.

And to see Chuckie Wabbie and others like her, check this out:

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