Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Maybe Gralillas DO wear Underpants?

Despite a no-nap day, it took a little longer to get Heath settled tonight. We had to read an assortment of Weekly Reader books about Black Bears, Tigers, Sharks, Pigs and Gorillas. He insisted on returning to the picture of the Gralilla's bottom, inquiring, Do Gralillas poop? Yes. But Gralillas don't wear underpants? No.

Heath has become quite a fan of underpants. I say this with odd delight, because for a while I was wondering if he was going to have to go commando the rest of his life. Sure, there are worse things, but I just kept imagining him in certain situations and finding himself embarrassed that he didn't have on underpants. Why aren't you wearing underpants? someone would ask. My mom potty-trained me using the naked method and never insisted I learn the joy of having cloth between my pants and my privates. Typical Heath style, this "problem" resolved itself. And typical Heath style, resolved itself, then went somewhat haywire in the opposite direction.

You don't need to wear two pair of underpants. This is what I had to tell him just before he went to bed tonight.

I do, I do. I need Batman on the motorcycle AND Batman flying over downtown.

Now, as I'm writing this, I am realizing, two pair of underpants? So what? Let him wear two pair of underpants. But again, in these moments of supremely odd requests, that really aren't odd from a 3 year old who is not only new to Batman, but new to underpants, I am imagining that he is 33 and wearing two pair of Batman underpants and unable to hold down a job BECAUSE he does not have the ability to wear only one pair.

Two pair could be uncomfortable, I reasoned.

Puppy can wear Batman flying over downtown, he decided. He pulled Puppy, his stuffed best friend, out from under his blanket, snickering while I put Downtown Batman drawers on his well-loved furry pet.

Puppy might need two pair of Batman, too.

You only have two pair of Batman underpants. One per puppy and person is plenty. Sleepiness must've set in, because he had no retort.

I turned the light off and kissed his head, taking a few extra seconds to sniff his Orange-Mango scented hair. Post-bath smell is always so good.

As I was closing the door to his bedroom, Heath whispered, We'll have coffee and milk in the morning, Mom, then go to Target and get more Batman underpants.

1 comment:

  1. at least he doesn't insist on cut-off short shorts... you can't be a never-nude with TWO pairs of underpants! :)



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