Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sometimes it's just about the weather, and chili, and colds

Another brrr chilly 3.6 this morning. This time we did stop at the park and let the kiddies out to play. Heath enjoyed a great game of chase with Daddy. I don't know if she was too cold, or her coat is so impossibly big that she couldn't move, but Miss Stella sat perched on top of a slide, watching the action. I asked her if she wanted to run. Yeah, yeah, she answered, but she didn't move. Their cheeks were so perfectly rosy when we made it home for lunch.

While we were sitting at the table eating lunch together, I suggested making a pot of chili for dinner. Must've sounded good, because Mark immediately headed out the door to the HT for the ingredients. We made it with Boca crumbles, black and kidney beans. It was quite yummy, if I say so myself. I'm already looking forward to leftovers tomorrow.

I'm afraid Heath may be getting a cold. After his nap, he complained that his nose isn't working and asked for a tissue. He still doesn't seem to get the idea that you hold the tissue over your nose, blow, wipe, then discard. His method is more of a pick, blow, wave the tissue about his nose area, then wipe his nose with his shirt sleeve. Or better yet, wipe his nose on MY shirt sleeve.

Speaking of cold and tomorrow, I plan to do my long run in the morning. 8 miles.

Six Feet Under episodes and a mug of Bunny Tracks ice cream are waiting for me.

1 comment:

  1. Beans.... Mugs o' ice cream... Why am I not there already????



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