Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Captain Ahab

We get the wagon back tomorrow afternoon. No more Batman Jeep. I've actually enjoyed driving it around the last few days. Heath really loves how old and rumbly it sounds, and that we're jacked-up enough that he can see into other people's cars.

I love that it only has a tape deck. Fortunately I was a mixed tape making fool back in the day and have rather enjoyed my flashback to the 80s and 90s. But I think my favorite Memorex tape that I stumbled across is the Depeche Mode 101, the live album from 1989. Good evening, Pasadena!

I listened to it yesterday on my way to pick up Heath from preschool and I had a very clear image of when I copied that tape. I'd borrowed it from someone who was in my 11th grade English class. We were in the middle of reading Moby Dick, quite possibly my singularly most painful experience in literature. Sitting in the middle of my pink and white plaid comforter, trying to read Call Me Ishmael (I have a bad feeling that may be as far as I got) without losing consciousness, I taped 101. A tape of a tape of a tape. On what the kids called a Boombox. You can imagine the warbly quality now, 21 years later. 21 years. That can't be right.

Today was a school day, but we didn't go. Coughs (Heath and Stella), stuffy noses (Heath), and general malaise (me) were the culprits.

The last two days we've actually been treated to Mark getting home early enough to head out in the baby jogger with us. That's helped the malaise somewhat. It hasn't helped the sore feeling I have from my trail excursion on Sunday. Let's just hope I'm soreless and malaise-less by Saturday's race.


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