Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Look, Same Great Taste

After a year of using Heath's shampoo, and nearly two decades of sticking to my rule that shampoo should never cost more than a dollar and conditioner is one of the more superfluous beauty products on the market, I finally decided to treat myself to some big girl shampoo and conditioner. It's not even a shampoo and conditioner combo bottle. Each product gets its very own special container.

It was an uncharacteristically out of the blue purchase at Trader Joe's. I deliberated between Tea Tree Tingle and Refresh Citrus only long enough for Heath to engage in eating leftover coffee grinds out of the red self-grinder. The smell of grapefruit has always won me over, and I am certainly game for being refreshed, so I made a quick grab-and-go of the pretty apricot-hued bottles, and moved on to remove my son from the grinder before he lost a digit, or became wild-eyed with caffeine.

Refresh Citrus (with Vitamin C) promises a "unique aroma-therapeutic blend" of citrus. It delivered. The aroma is delicate and fruity, and not a hint of flowers. (Not big on flowery-scents.) I will also say my hair is slightly less than straw-like. (Maybe. It's still wet, so we'll see what it actually looks like in the dry light of day.) But therapeutic? I don't know. I guess I need the Recharge or Wake-Up or Snap-Out-of-It blend. Then again, I suppose it was referring to my hair and not my mind. In that case, I got what I paid for.

And yes. I did change my blog background. And blog name. And blog address. I got tired of reading other people's blogs and thinking how cute their blog is. And how their blog has an address that clues you in to what their subject matter is. And how their blog seems to have an agenda. And a point.

Mine still doesn't have an agenda. Or a point. And I am only mildly concerned that my loyal fans (all both of them) will somehow be confused, or unable to find me.

But isn't it pretty?

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