Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where is My Mind?

I lucked out and managed an early morning trip to Trader Joe's and Target, while Mark took the kiddies out in the baby jogger for a long run. He is heeding my absolutely under no circumstances are you allowed to run the Grandfather Mountain marathon without being properly trained advice.

As much as I complain about my pained shopping excursions with Heath and Stella (due to blood-curdling screaming meltdowns, produce pinchings, peeing in places one shouldn't pee, escape and hide buffoonery, shopping cart tipping (with or without sister in the cart), buying things we really don't need to avoid aforementioned meltdowns), it seems I often have a harder time staying on task when I'm going it alone. Today it wasn't so much a task-mastering dilemma, so much as a plain ole la-la land, spaciness that seemed to have me in its grip.

Made a phone call on the way to the store and forgot to discuss my reason for calling.

Forgot an item or two. Okay, it was three. (With a list in my hand.)

Hit my head on the car door, while exiting.

Hit my head with the back door, while grabbing the bags to take into TJ's.

Hit it again, while putting the now-loaded-with-groceries bags back into the back of the car.

All the while, feeling very much like I strained something very important in the belly area yesterday while running that trail.

But I made it back home, with my head still on, ready to tackle the last minute scramble of getting Heath together and out the door for a very fun birthday party at My Gym.

Fortunately I mustered up a late afternoon three miles and worked out a few physical and mental post-race kinks. Phew. Think I can face the week.

First up: ice cream social at Heath's school tomorrow. Oh my.

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