Monday, May 24, 2010

Move Over Ben and Jerry...

The ice cream social was a fun affair today at Heath's school. The kids did some serious hand-cranking on a very old, wooden, days of yore ice cream maker of a bucket. I also brought my trusty Cuisinart (and a couple of pre-prepared batches) to make some "no need to hurt yourself, it does it on its own in twenty minutes" vanilla ice cream.

I have eaten more than my share of homemade ice cream over the years. My parents had one of those electric kind that is hideously noisy, and equally unattractive in its aesthetic lack of home decor appeal, but it made, without fail, the creamiest, most delicious ice cream. I spent many summer nights in my youth slapping at mosquitoes, anxiously waiting on our back porch for that blasted thing to churn and chill so I could dive nearly head first into the frozen delight.

The "cranker" we used at school today called for the same ice and rock salt combo that my parents used with theirs. As I reminded multiple children, multiple times, that we probably shouldn't eat the rock salt, I found myself remembering exactly how the rock salt tasted, because I, too, couldn't resist, despite being told multiple times, we do not eat the rock salt. A couple of kids did not heed my warning about the yuckiness and snuck a pebble into their mouths. Their eye-wincing grimaces and sudden urge to spit spoke volumes.

It took an hour today of constant hand-cranking, all the children happily taking short-lived turns. The teachers kindly put the real muscle into the deal. At 11:30 moms and dads and siblings and grandmas (and a Papa!) arrived to chat and eat ice cream made by our sweet little 3 and 4 year old babes. Toppings included granola, chocolate chips, raspberries, strawberries, and carrots (thanks for granting Heath's odd, yet nutritious request, HeHe!). Everyone eagerly dug into spoonfuls of their homemade treat.

Heath was thrilled that Papa was coming to school today. All morning long he said, My Grandpa's coming to eat ice cream with me. Then as an afterthought, And my Gigs. Stella was certainly excited to be a part of the ice cream social. She sat next to her friend (another class sibling) and the two ate multiple bowls, and have a shared passion for a particular topping: chocolate chips.

The ice cream party was a perfect wrap-up for the 3's class experience. It officially comes to a close for Heath tomorrow. Then summertime is on. Oh my...

Til then, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and, if you can believe it, more ice cream.

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