Friday, March 5, 2010

Run, Forrest, Run

My race is tomorrow and I'm really trying to feel a little more enthusiastic. This week has been less than restful and getting up to go run 13.1 miles at 8am sounds...ambitious.

And I need to get cracking and find out where the heck this race-thingy is anyway. I was in a "hope Stella doesn't throw up in the Run for Your Life" daze when I picked up my race bib and t-shirt, so I failed to get any additional information like, where do I go? Where is the start? Where do I park? Where am I? What's my name? How old am I? Good thing some of those details are on the back of my bib. I was initially sore when I saw that they have me listed as 37. That is wrong. For another month, that is wrong. My hurt feelings over their error didn't linger, though. Too many other things to focus on.

Like, why is my baby girl still sick? My appointment at the doctor yesterday was only mildly reassuring. The diagnosis was pretty much, Yep, that's a stomach bug. I wonder what's making her vomit at night? If I were a different person, I would've said, That's your job, right? But I'm not. So I didn't.

Instead, I woke up this morning and found Stella in the same condition I've found her all mornings this week. After a mostly lethargic day, I called the doctor back. Push liquids, push liquids. Heath and I finally got her to drink some apple juice out of a syringe. It helped. She even managed some crackers and bananas, too.

Speaking of lethargic, I'm off to watch an episode or two of Six Feet Under before I pass out. Here's to a puke-free night.

1 comment:

  1. Hoorah! 2:14:41 - congrats! So glad you escaped the puke fest yourself (*touch wood*) and could run a good race. Hope it was a fun 13.1 for you. I only did three miles followed by a leisurely coffee in NoDa this morning so am in awe of all the half runners today.

    Oh, and I see they got your age right on the results. ;)



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